PA Services

Are there just not enough hours in the day? You need a PA

PA Services

Flexible, fantastic work from someone matched perfectly to you and your business

Are you stuck at the bottom of an admin mountain?

Action PAs gather those organisational and administrative tasks you battle, empowering you and your small business to grow and do what you do best.

As your trusted, DISC-matched VAs, we reply to emails, book appointments and wow your clients, streamlining your time so you can make your business more profitable. Without the mountains to climb.

Delegate Tasks

Do you struggle to see the wood for the trees? With our superhuman focus, we work with you to identify tasks you can delegate, so you can get on nurturing success and doing the bits you love.

Slotted naturally into your business, your Action PA will

  • Free up headspace and energy
  • Focus on your business
  • Stay on top of your work
  • Build the sumptuous life you deserve

PA Packages

Do you wish you could just have another you? Our DISC-matched executive level PAs effortlessly integrate into your business. We step into your business with no start-up, training or equipment costs.

We have two executive packages. Each one is fully flexible, so you can switch your support whenever you need.

Professional Flex
£33 per hour 

A flexible package tailored to your personal and business life. Matched to complement your personality, your PA streamlines processes and administrative tasks, clearing the path for your strategic activities.




  • Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Skills and personality aligned to your business 
  • Flexibility to adapt your business needs 
  • Dedicated UK-based VA 
  • Access to the expertise and experience of the team
  • One-month cancellation notice 
Executive Plus
£38 per hour 

Executive Plus VAs go further than a regular old PA. They anticipate your needs, manage complex tasks and adapt seamlessly to your software and systems. They have abundant experience working autonomously with CEOs and directors – and they have a spit-spot track record of delivering.



  • Satisfaction guaranteed
  • Skills and personality aligned to your business
  • Adapted your business needs
  • Dedicated UK-based VA
  • Access to the expertise and experience of the team
  • One-month cancellation notice
  • Holiday cover if your VA is away
  • Monthly time reports
  • Quarterly review of services
  • Roll unused hours to the next month

Which service do you need?

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